Sunday 15 May 2011

Random rantings..

Was dancing wildly around my room with absolutely no music when I banged my hand into a chair. Ouch!( who put that there?)
Anyway, next saturday is my cousin sister Aaliyah's baptism and i have unofficially decided to wear my mom's cream silk Audrey Hepburn dress with her new peach satin clutch.( For the 98% people who aren't christian, a baptism is when you try and cure the baby of all things evil!) or so I think. Still pondering on the shoes and stuff but right now this is more important. The dress is old and a little rough around the edges, but it's still a solid vintage. And.... voila! here it is!
and now without much further ado.. the clutch..!!!

The clutch is from Aldo accesories and has this cute little side thingie made out of lace and gauze. the main body is a wraith of's all highly girly and 'snow princess' like( wait. was it ice princess or snow princess? Snow sounds better so i'm gonna stick to that) :D

just to let you know. I have a new role model, other than Tavi Givinson that is. Unsurprisingly, she's Indian too and she has this awesome blog called Fab Blab. She focuses mainly on fashion( ok.. totally on fashion) and her style of writing is quirky, funny, and totally bad ass!! People should totally check her out! Her name is Arushi Khosla.
well i think ive bored you for long enough sooo buh byee!
P.S- my fans( ok fine! my mom) has told me to improve my punctuation so from now on I do have to give a shit about capital letters and spelling mistakes.:(


  1. Hey! Yes, I am from Modern. Whose your friend?

  2. her name is Kalli Mahajan... and she's just as in love with your blog as I am! :D

  3. That dress is gorgeous! :)

  4. thanx! it's my mom's ann taylor dress!

  5. you didn't cry at your baptism, did you?
    evil child :) :P
